The most outrageous action in Laud's crackdown was his move to ban -his attempt to ban preaching in churches.
Particularly the black churches have got great, great musicians working on a salary basis for the church.
There's a lot of Christian churches where you can't get married in the outdoors, that's not an official way to get married.
So this was a list of books that some author believed were scripture and should be read by Christians and churches.
These are churches of almost every imaginable stripe, and they're springing up and, from a mainstream perspective, they're quickly eroding the authority of the Church of England.
And just as important as the radical churches and the reformed sects is for Hobbes the university and its curriculum.
You see few churches and "Society, like the individual, seems to provide nothing."
I became so obsessed with it that we drove up there so I could visit every school at which she had taught, and we actually found somebody who-- we knew he wouldn't like her because he was sweeping out the church, he worked for one of the churches, and she was very anti-clerical.
all these churches have got great, great bands , you know, many of these churches.
I worshiped in catholic churches for many years.
Even the churches are completely denuded of the kinds of Baroque, swooning cherubs and clutter that you found in--;beautiful, I'm not knocking the Baroque-- but beautiful churches--;or, in Vienna it's a good example of that, or anywhere is a good example of that.
甚至教堂也完全褪去了巴洛克风格的影响,没有迷人的小天使,没有杂乱的装饰,在这里这些都没有... 但很漂亮,我并不是在数落巴洛克,不过,这个教堂真的很漂亮,在维也纳的建筑也是绝佳的例子,或者在任何地方都有很好的例子
So generally,the canon of the New Testament, our twenty-seven books,is accepted by all Christian churches,generally.
The most dominant buildings are not churches; they are state buildings.
After the French Revolution and Napoleon, and Napoleon makes peace with the church, there is,all of a sudden, a revival with people forming religious confraternities, of people paying to rebuild churches that have been vandalized during the Revolution, where they're melting down church bells to use as cannon and things like that.
Then it has several letters,seven different letters,very short letters,addressed to seven different Christian churches.
Pretty quickly,though,different churches, probably Paul's churches,initially, started sending around copies of Paul's letters.