The Hobbesian citizen is not likely to be a risk taker, like a George Washington or an Andrew Carnegie.
But then next time it will be a two-hour movie, Citizen Kane so that the course is very compressed.
The democracy itself needs a literate citizen rate in order to keep it in check.
It suggests, from the beginning, a kind of loftiness and impartiality of perspective characteristic of the philosopher, but not necessarily the citizen.
If you're born in the United States you are by definition a natural born US citizen.
When he freed you, if he was a Roman citizen, you would automatically become a Roman citizen also, and your children would be Roman citizens.
He can be a citizen of his community, he can be a Marathonian, but he is also and more primarily,he is an Athenian.
Rather, you've got to be a wonderful class citizen A to get an A for discussion section.
He is against singling out a particular citizen or group of people to go off and fight.
The reviewer say that every American citizen should read.
So the study of regime politics is in part a study of the distinctive national character types that constitutes a citizen body.
The Apology shows Socrates as offering a new model of citizenship a new kind of citizen.
In Citizen Kane, sort of myth of the past is sort of wonderful, perfect childhood playing the snow.
This issue received a kind of classic formulation in Aristotle's distinction of what he called the good human being and the good citizen.
When you got to be about the age of what you guys are here, Ephebate you might enter the ephebate; Ephebe you'd become an ephebe, and that just meant that you were past your sort of early secondary training and now you were being really in training to be a warrior and a citizen.
For one thing, he didn't invent a sort of image, he invented a story wrote and collaborated on the plot of Citizen Kane.