The drive to include the world--Moore's omnivorous poems claim for poetry all the subjects that she mentions here and indeed many, many more.
a claim for the individual's capacity to make a moral judgment after some period of trial, or after some period of experimentation.
He's making a claim for language while erasing it.
And from the titles we know he considered for this book, none of them make that claim "The Life of Richard Wright."
That's a pretty unique claim. And they carried with them the idea and the traditions that laid the foundation for the major religions of the western world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
So it wouldn't be realistic that Muslims, you know, going to claim Vatican, for instance.
And I've just explained why at least the most familiar argument for that claim, I think, doesn't work.
Again the claim--the explanation for why this is so is something which we'll get to in another class.
Let me read you something as we move to the fulles claim that will be made for the role of the polis.
The first was the objection, the claim that utilitarianism, " by concerning itself with the greatest good for the greatest number, fails adequately to respect individual rights.
I'm going to claim that assuming that products are not identical, is a pretty safe assumption for most of the world, for most things that you're going to see in the world.
You can never--there's a strong legal precedent for not being able to make a claim about stolen bass, because these basses are limited in number, they involve rather simple harmonic progressions, and they've been used over the centuries.
That is an extraordinary claim for the poem's originality.
Milton had borrowed this claim for an absolute originality.
She's making a strong a claim as is possible to make for her potential for rhetorical power.
And by now we've gone rather far afield in the search for an interpretation of that claim.
It seems to me rather a long distance from the thought, nobody can die for me,nobody can take my part, to the claim,everybody dies alone.
So, in general, there is some support, at least at a very broad level, for the claim that language is in some sense part of human nature.
Milton elaborates on this claim that we should read and prove anything we want, for we are sufficient to judge aright.