So, more data to come, so this is a clip some of you might have seen in section already.
What I wanted to show you was a clip that actually my daughter brought to my attention just this past weekend.
But the idea is--the clip is to make the point that the fear will extend to a rabbit, a white rabbit.
As the two armies approach each other, I should make it clear, they start out walking at a certain clip.
Here's another video clip from that same series that speaks to this issue, this one's beautifully done.
we'll recover something and, in the meantime, we get this 8% coupon that we get to clip.
Hobbes, in many ways, finds himself in the position of the young military lawyer played in the following movie clip. I'm going to show you.
For Problem Set 1, as you may have seen already, ; what I thought I'd -- I had not, in fact, seen that clip; so I did a quick Googling and that's actually as relevant as the movie really gets I think to computing.
We're going to show a clip from a movie that I think is particularly appropriate.
That will end the lecture, I'll show you the comedy clip in just a moment.
And the clip we're going to see is the most famous part of the movie.
Now, we're going to go onto the shift to major here, another little clip.
And as an introduction to faces I have a brief film clip from Paul Ekman, who is one of the world's great scholars in the study of facial expressions.
Also, it can't be an accident that it's an African American family depicted in here, so there are a lot of interesting things going on in this little video clip.
And so, I have a film clip here of two very nice studies showing babies' ignorant--sorry, young children's ignorance of other people.
You don't have to clip coupons anymore.
Now another clip from that same Antony Thomas series I'd like to show you here.
So we'll take Flaming Hot Cheetos up there, and later in the class I'll play you a very cute clip from NPR about kids eating Flaming Hot Cheetos in schools.
Now before you guys go, there's one more thing I wanted to mention, and then I'll show today's comedy clip which is a good one by the way-- they're all good, but this one's especially good.
We try to clip coupons.
What you used to do is, every six months you'd pull out your bonds and you'd clip the coupons with a pair of scissors; you take them to a bank and they would give you cash for your coupons.
So, if you were to lose half your brain, the other half can actually do a lot but some things are more prevalent and more powerful in one part of the brain than the other And I want to show you a brief film clip from "Scientific American" that illustrates the differences between the hemispheres, but before doing that,I want to provide some introductory facts.
Here's a little video clip that I'd like to show you that talks about evolution and how humans have evolved in relationship to their food.
So, this is a very weird and unpersuasive clip.
The reason they call them coupons is that, in the old days, you used to actually--when you bought a bond, there would be a piece of paper and the piece of paper would have attached to it a lot of little coupons that you would clip.