Here, the cloud becomes the obscuring of this sense of intent to communicate or a sense of meaning's pattern.
Let me go ahead and -- oh, that's nice, someone learned how to send right messages on the cloud. All right.
But, can you see that as you get really close together the negative electronic cloud surrounding the two ions start to sense one another.
that spiritual sense that the divine is always shrouded around by some Cloud of Unknowing.
So, what I'm showing in this picture here is just an electron cloud that you can see.
We didn't anticipate, at that time, what's happening now, which is, you're seeing value get stripped out of the client and into the server, which makes it even more important to be in the cloud, so to speak.
She gave up presently as if a cloud had approached the sun or the smog thickened and so broken the religious instant, whatever it might have been.
Starting next week you'll actually be using a cluster Cloud CS50 net of systems that CS50 itself runs called
There is a repulsive force, the attractive force between ions of opposite charge is offset by a repulsive force due to electron cloud interactions.
So, the blinding white cloud begins this chapter.
So, here the city is at a distance. We're in a pastoral space, a beautiful space, and this is all sort of under the guidance of this white cloud, this blinding white cloud. And of course, I don't have to say to you, I'm sure, "Blinding white cloud?
So if you're curious this one I'm gonna kill off - because it will take a little while-- you'll find that available on the cloud if you'd like to experiment whether or not you're doing that edition or the other.
And I'll point out as we proceed, because I kind of have to start using the cloud here.
So at first this might seem very limited in terms of functionality for you but when I first logged in to that cloud, recall that my prompt looked like this.
This is the clouds or the orbitals, electron cloud interactions.
And the means by which I connect to the so called cloud is with a command line program or GUI program.