Again, the Swedish, the "Swedish cocktail" Was sort of suffocating people by stuffing manure down their throat until they died.
还有瑞典人有一种杀人方法 把粪便塞入喉咙,令人窒息,就叫做"瑞典鸡尾酒"
A stranger with a flair for cocktail party descriptive prose might have commented that the room, at a quick glance, looked as if it had once been tenanted by two struggling twelve-year-old lawyers or researchists.
Let me give you one other anecdote that I can't resist. This is the kind of thing you can use at cocktail parties to impress your friends from Harvard. OK.
He says someone with a flair for cocktail party conversation, a witticism, would say this. He gives it to us, but he frames it as an affectation of style.