This thing collapsed in the 1980s and it cost the U.S. Government, through the FSLIC, about 150 billion dollars.
it was fires from the Marina District where all these buildings had collapsed
They became almost worthless because they were investing in subprime debt and the value of the debt collapsed and so these collapsed as well.
And, so, Paris is surrounded in this sort of glory that was supposed to be, the Empire has collapsed on the head of France.
This was a series put together by a British filmmaker who's actually narrating this named Antony Thomas who did a terrific-- I think six or seven part series for British television and several of those got collapsed into a one hour special on Nova that was shown in the United States.
There were rumors that the Bay Bridge had collapsed,
In segement one you talked about how the house was built up now how it collapsed.
Number of policies doesn't affect the means but it affects that standard deviation, so it becomes very collapsed and this is the basic core idea of insurance.
But,anyway,so when France collapsed after the war, and when the Commune comes along,it seems to Royalists, that is,the people who wanted a restoration of the monarchy, that their ship had come in.So what's going to happen?
The value of the paper collapsed and the bank became insolvent.
These names sound safe -High Grade, Enhanced -but they both collapsed and became leveraged fund.
We had a bubble in the stock market in the '90s and it collapsed after 2000 and with that it brought the economy down.