And so I was collecting from friends and colleagues' computers all sorts of logs that monitored the kind of low level activity that was happening on their computer.
They probably succeeded in subduing some of their neighbors, collecting tribute--there's some controversy about that but in about 922 this kingdom divided into two smaller and lesser kingdoms that fell in importance.
What have we done? We've now got a way of collecting things together, right? And this is the first version of something we'd like to use.
In the case of life insurance, they developed actuarial tables that require a collecting of statistics.
But they didn't-- the Romans themselves didn't want to be bothered with collecting taxes.
So, it didn't mean that the English state wasn't efficient in collecting taxes, because they were more efficient than the French were in collecting taxes.
And it turns out that collecting information about categories is essential to our survival.
So we started collecting cereals and things like that from various countries, and found in this preliminary study, that it was the case, the American foods were sweeter.
It involves putting a needle, a fairly large needle into usually one of the pelvic bones and collecting marrow from which is tissue that's deep inside those bones.
So, they started to do collecting of data on mortality and they developed something called actuarial science, which is estimating the probability of people living.
The banker knows everybody in the community and when you're playing golf with the banker, it may go beyond just collecting information; the banker might have positive suggestions.
It's collecting information from all these dendrites under the right series of signals the cell body integrates all that information, says time for me to fire an action potential.
This puts the British Government in an embarrassing situation of owning a failing mortgage lender, so they've got to now be the government collecting on all these mortgages; it's a mess.
And you should be collecting those together.
Maybe you're paying me indirectly, but I shouldn't be collecting money from you and then awarding grades; that wouldn't be right, but that's what has started to happen.