Things can't become holy and can't come into contact with the holy or the sacred if they are not first pure.
who come into the Student Activities Office hoping to plan events and that type of things.
So, remember when you're looking at your periodic table, don't forget about the lanthanides, sometimes they come into play.
Children come into the world without knowing any specific language and so they have to learn pauses.
Adam at the Fall didn't simply come into a knowledge primarily of evil.
There are factions that grow up for one reason or another and they come into conflict.
I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me" .
It has to be complex, because we're asking the immune system to be able to respond to every potential foreign pathogen that we come into contact with.
So you should drop the homework before you come into class, rather than furiously work on it during class, and the solutions will be posted the same afternoon.
We like certain foods, we have positive associations with them because of our families and all these-- and marketing of course, and all these factors come into play in shaping how we feel about food.
If you go back to the colonial times, education would be conducted in an unheated room by someone who basically hates children and would come into the room and look at someone, and glower and yell, "Sadoway! Stand and recite!"
Oftentimes, inventions that seem, in the abstract, to be good ideas may be impossible because something that you have to do to make it actually come into practice is too expensive and so it's not economic to produce the invention.
I only wanted to live in the world of, as J. M. Cootsy has beautifully said, "We all come into this world carrying the memory of justice."
That goes back to that idea of sort of discipline coding. It's easy to have assumptions about what you think are going to come into the program when you writ it. If you really know what they are use them as search, but if you think there's going to be some flexibility, you want to prevent the user getting trapped in a bad spot, and exceptions as a consequence are a good thing to use.
who come into New York City for work. But they don't live in New York City.
This desire to make a difference come into just about all students.