You can actually initialize multiple things at once by separating them with a comma, and this is sometimes helpful.
I've got two parameters, they're separated by a comma. Ah, right. Sorry?
So if I scroll now to the right, I should see a comma after the closed quote and then what two values?
and after your last name, put a comma.
And that's really a placeholder for the comma-separated list of values that I put after those quotes.
Well, in just a moment, it happens right after the comma.
It says, if I want to print out something I built in Cartesian form up here, says, again, I'm going to pass it in a pointer to the instance, that self thing, and then I'm going to return a string that I combine together with an open self and close paren, a comma in the middle, and getting the x-value and the y-value and converting them into strings before I put the whole thing together.
Notice I close the quotes after I'm putting a new line-- after I'm putting this new line, name but then to the right hand side is comma name.
5 6 1 2 3 So it's 4, 5, 6 comma 1, 2, 3 that are passed into swap and that's why those same numbers end up in A and B. Yeah?
Let me go ahead and call print F. I'm going to say A equals A and then I need a percent D, backslash, comma A; so this is a little bit of -- more syntax than would be nice, %d but I'm just saying, literally, A equals percent D, and I'm plugging in the value of A for percent D.