Okay. That's the end. I want to remind you a final time to look at your Spenser, the cave of Mammon episode, as well as Dr. Johnson's brief comments on Sin and Death.
This is a little file I created, all right, and I'm going to start with a sequence of these things and walk them along, again I invite you to put comments on that handout so that you can follow what we're going to do. All right?
He likes to include some snarky comments on the footnotes generally about me at my expense.
No. Oh. Okay. Anyone else on "Ambrose His Mark"? Comments?
So, he had over a thousand laughter-initiated situations and here are some typical comments that initiated laughter, sometimes uproarious laughter, on the parts of people.
In general, good programming style says you put in comments that are going to be valuable in helping you as a reader understand what's going on inside of the code.
Your copies realize have comments that document everything that's going on.