That piece of it, which is gone when the second half disappears, that piece of it is what he tries to communicate in a very condensed way.
It will allow you to communicate how you would like something to change and how you're feeling in the moment.
And that requires a passion to communicate in whatever form it is.
I can't communicate in the future with my friend.
The other way it shares an ambition of modernism is precisely in that effort to communicate experience, consciousness.
And you'll do different projects with these people; you'll do a lot of things in distant learning; you'll communicate a lot with these people.
And we talked about this before--that classical music, probably eighty-five percent of it, does not involve a text, and that's a whole different ballgame because then you have to communicate meaning in a completely different sort of way.
So one way that neurons, in particular, are able to communicate with other cells in the nervous system, share information, integrate information, decide what to do next is that they are physically connected to other different cells.
But the cases of specific language impairments suggest that all of that is wrong, because there are children in this world right now who are plenty smart, who really want to communicate, and who are entirely social creatures but they can't learn language.
So in that way I think the study of film is really important to be able to communicate in the future and to reach the audiences that will continued to grow.
It is an aspect of a text, the way in which it does communicate in other words, which has to be understood as existing in a dynamic, functional relationship with those aspects of the text in which literariness is dominant.
Is the reason people behave badly-- I don't know "Badly"--people choose Alpha in this game here, is it the fact that they can't communicate?
In order to communicate better about fear or not liking something.
The mind is just a way of talking about the fact that our body can think, can communicate, can plan, can deliberate, can be creative, can write poetry, can fall in love.
First, I want to talk a little bit about facial expressions, which are ways in which we communicate our emotions not the only way, but an important way and look, in particular, at the case of smiling because it's kind of interesting.
So this cell, wherever it's setting, wherever it is positioned within the nervous system let's say in the cortex somewhere or the outside surface of the brain is able to communicate with a region of the brain that's in this direction, a region in this direction, a region in this direction, a region in this direction.
所以这个细胞 无论它在何处,无论它在神经系统中安身何处,就比方说它位于大脑皮层上吧,即位于大脑外表面上的某处,它可以同,这一方向上的脑域进行交流,也可以是这个方向,也可以是这个方向,也可以是这个方向
It gives a sense of what this music is all--really all about and since, as we were saying, so much classical music doesn't have a text with it we've got to have some markers in there to know what the composer is trying to communicate to us.
Because they can often still communicate in various ways, we don't quite get that.