So I think the comparable and parallel structure for the baby-sitting for the younger children is that adults need time out.
You'll find nothing comparable in Russia, obviously which I'll come back and talk about, or in Prussia, or in France.
All right. So formal charge can actually help us out when we're trying to decide between several Lewis structures that look like they might be comparable in terms of which might be the lower energy or the more stable structure.
So, I think we are capable of, with the kind of assistance of my staff capable of setting exams of comparable difficulty.
It is a work comparable in scope to other literary masterworks Hamlet, Don Quixote, War and Peace, others you might think of.
The dollar has plummeted more in Bush's term than during any comparable period of US history.
They're comparable to one of the biggest old line investment banks in New York.
In the code of conduct, professional conduct, that we embody by this code here is comparable to what you are expected to adhere to in your professional lives.
The only cities in Europe that were comparable-- and they were smaller--were Naples, an extraordinarily poor city, and Constantinople, Istanbul, and, of course, in Japan, Edo, which would become known as Tokyo.
The value of real estate in the United States today is -of real estate owned by households directly -is about twenty trillion dollars, which makes it comparable or maybe a little bit bigger than the stock market.
And there is a necktie, comparable fabric, comparable pattern. It is not geeky.
So you can see these people went to comparable schools.
And, likewise, there will be a test running from 1:05 to 1:55: two different tests of comparable difficulty. I did this last year, and the difference in the scores on all three tests 1% was less than 1%.
In the city-states of Venice, which was a major trading city already on the decline, and in Florence, and in Milan, and in Turin, and in places like that you find something very comparable, but Italy is not united until the 1860s.