She's stuck between competing ideals of bodily purity just as surely and as firmly as she is stuck to her seat.
Like we work together constantly, and we're also like competing against each other.
But now, the Web is competing with it, so they're scaling down the size of the paper and trying to survive.
It's a wonderfully compressed argument in which the Soul and the Heart make competing claims for Christianity and classical and literary wisdom.
Price competition two firms competing with one another in prices can have a Prisoners' Dilemma aspect about it.
And so much of Areopagitica involves Milton's bringing together competing images and traditions and arguments.
Our competitors were using that to subsidize competing with us in the client market.
Socrates is not saying that men and women are the same in every respect, he says, but equal with respect to competing for any job at all.
because both are competing for the... ? same market, or different markets?
to get our athletes used to competing in front of big crowds
Right.-Those are the two competing ideas in the world.
And so the pagan picture of an amoral universe of just competing powers, good and evil, Kaufman says, is transformed into a picture of a moral cosmos. The highest law is the will of God and that imposes a morality upon the structure of the universe.
They're competing against other corporations.
If a firm is competing against a customer let's say for a non-prime loan perhaps that assumption is not quite so safe.
And suddenly there are dozens and dozens of competing expressions of religious truth, and so you have a new proliferation of new religions and new religious ideas that comes about as the immediate product of the freedom of the press.
This is a game in which there are two firms who are competing in the same market, and we'll give a bit more detail in a second.