So I just realized this is a new MacBook Pro that I didn't actually download the compiler onto it apparently.
> So this time I had the foresight to install this compiler but what I'm gonna do is this.
In a compiled language, you have an intermediate step, in which you take the source code, it runs through what's called a checker or a compiler or both, and it creates what's called object code.
You can compel the compiler to treat some value as a different type of value, at least if it makes intuitive sense that that should be possible.
So you're implementing this black box, and if its purpose in life is to actually return a value, you have to tell the compiler what kind of value to expect, and this is going to have ripple effects.
So what that means is the compiler is actually going to first "cast" so to speak 13 from whatever it is - to a float -- to a floating point value -- and then perform the division for us.
The compiler is going to ignore all of this so-called "pretty printing" -- all of this sort of indentation, -- all of this white space -- that's really for the human's benefits, both yours, your colleagues, the teaching staff, and the like.
> That lets the compiler know that you want to use some actual compiled code from that library.
The only thing that compiler needs to know is kind of what pattern to look for in the rest of your code.
You can't just take a quoted string back to back with another quoted string so you'd get some kind of compiler error.
So I'll now start to get into that habit, even though it's a bit of distracting detail, it's just consistent with the expectations that the compiler really has.
My prototype, again, so that I can use it later increment without the compiler wondering what is this increment that you're referring to because it's not otherwise been declared.
So those are in fact the patterns of zeroes and ones, the bytes that would have been outputted had I hello c remembered to download the compiler to this computer and run it on that little hello.c file.
It turns out you can list one, give it a name, and if you use square brackets, that tells the compiler I actually want to put multiple values inside of this -- inside of this variable and how do we do that?
So, thankfully, C does provide a solution for this, whereby, I can provide a hint, essentially, to the compiler.
Okay, so a compiler.
So C or the compiler's for C are kind of dumb, by definition of the language years ago, whereby, they only know about what they've already seen.
It's a little more involved on a PC but it's all free, the software you can download, and Linux in similar operating systems generally come with a compiler or you run a simple command to get it.
> What exactly is the difference with this system that we have here of compiling and say another compiler for one like the C++?
So putting back that prototype allows me to compile this, because I'm saying proactively to the compiler hey, you're going to see a function called increment.
So I tried running a program in this little black and white window called GCC and we'll see it today working properly that is a so called compiler.
- Well -- and I'll fix this blue next time -- I'm first telling the compiler I need access to the standard io library because printf is declared there.
Now, you might in some context have to add the right kind of parentheses so that GCC or your compiler doesn't get confused, but really they just reverse each other's processes.
So that is a flag that tells the compiler that I want to use or link into my own program code that someone else wrote that lives somewhere else on the system whose moniker is CS50.
- You then run a compiler, in our case called "GCC" -- -- one of the world's most popular -- and then you can run it with some number of switches, these command line arguments as they're called that somehow influences the behavior of this program.
And if you don't include it, GCC, the compiler will yell at you.
So you have to somehow convert the source code, the C code into 0s and 1s and for that process there exist this tool called a compiler that someone else wrote that takes this stuff as input and produces this stuff as output.
But the take away for now is that if you don't clue -lcs50, -- you get some mention -- some error message -- about "undefined symbol," and that should be your clue that, "Oh it's undefined in that I haven't told the compiler that I want to link in these zeros and ones."
> What's the difference between a compiler and a Makefile?