If I charged the reactor in this manner, and of course I'm assuming 100% completion of the reaction which we know is overly optimistic.
But, the reaction says I need twice as much mag as tickle if this reaction is going to go to completion.
Why don't we go ahead and take a 5-minute break and I'll let this one run to completion.
Because you're going to run it and you'll probably find conditions under which you can run it more or less to completion.
They were offered in thanksgiving or upon the successful completion of a vow.
This coda suggests something like a victory over all of those worries of unpreparedness as the worried rhetoric of "not yet there" gives way to a much more confident language of present completion, the "now."
"I must embody it in the completion of my life.
You have a freewill offering--just because someone wants to do this, a freewill offering. And you have a vow offering that would be offered on the successful completion of a vow, for example. And these sacrifices are all entirely optional.