.. I computed the efficient portfolio frontier for various-- it's the efficient portfolio frontier using the formula I just gave you.
What I did in this diagram is I computed the efficient portfolio frontier-- now it's the blue line with three assets.
It was as if, when we went through this search tree, we never remembered what we got at the bottom, and we just re-computed things over and over.
I wanted to show an example with real data that I computed and that's what's up on the screen.
I computed the average return on stocks over that time period and I computed the average return on bonds over that time period.
So I just computed the radius of that particular thing. Right?
I've computed a 13 value which is 13.
i I computed the value if I don't include i.
The real interest rate, computed from nominal rates, is equal to one plus the nominal rate divided by one plus the inflation rate, so it corrects for inflation.
由名义利率算得的实际利率 等于,/,它是一个经通胀调整后指标
You can see the different points-- I've calculated this using data from 1983 until 2006-- and I computed all of the inputs to those equations that we just saw.
There're some things that cannot be computed.
They might say my sample period was off, ... but that's what the theory-- ... using my data for the sample period that I computed-- the expected returns and co-variances says one should do.
i I've computed the value if I include i.
I computed the returns on the stocks, bonds, and oil for every year from 1983 and I computed the average returns, which I take as the expected returns, I took the standard deviations, and I took the covariance.
, r1, and r2 for those and I plugged it into that formula, which we just showed.
So I might as well return the without i value I just computed.