The natural desire for fame seated in the breast of every true scholar usually pushes him to make haste by the readiest way of publishing and divulging conceived merits.
and it's just very well conceived and developed.
What is Hobbes' individual? Hobbes conceived us through a process of abstraction from the web of attachments in which we find ourselves.
It's possible that he's hiding his talent or burying his conceived merits deep within the earth, and it's this frightening possibility that Milton forces himself to engage head on - the implications of this parable.
So in sum, Kaufman's argument is this: Israel conceived of the divine in an entirely new way. Israel's God differed from the pagan gods in his essential nature. The pagan gods were natural gods.
That people were conceived, whether by nature or by God or even by evolution, with a certain order to them; some born to do this and some born to do that and some born to do that.
Non-obvious ideas were conceived of to solve these problems of long-term risks and to get around the psychological barriers imposed by framing biases and psychological biases, in order to allow people to actually manage the risk and to get around moral hazard.
You can go buy a score of the Beatles, for example--although they didn't design this initially with music, but after the fact,people sort of listen to it and make written-- put in written form what had originally been just an aurally conceived artistic statement.