The poem's great final question concerns that perception: "Did she put on his knowledge with his power"?
on our planet, and effects could be security concerns,
So he just says that there are really two organizing principles or overriding concerns in the Priestly traditions and the Priestly materials regarding sacrifice.
The platonic idea of justice concerns harmony, he tells us, both harmony in the city and harmony in the soul.
Just bracket any moral concerns you may have about torturing other people or agreeing that somebody else should be tortured.
Orthodox Christianity teaches us to put aside our concerns for the body when we consider our death.
I didn't see then the proliferations of these new instruments that reflect concerns about the current economic situation.
Knowing what you know now, any concerns about taking the oral polio vaccine instead of getting the shot?
One of the concerns out of the gate for students in this course, particularly those we dub less comfortable is that you're already starting off at a disadvantage.
from Hurricane Katrina to domestic problem controversy to rising public concerns over the war in Iraq.
These concerns that I'm laying out all inform his poetry.
There is this sense of the concerns of the sky somehow, the concerns of the above; the concerns of the transcendent are seeping their way in to the concerns of the material world below.
Anyway, you can see that in this passage on page 722, Gadamer is describing the circularity of our reading, and he's describing it in a way that may raise certain concerns for us.
Another significant finding Piaget had about this phase of development concerns what's called "conservation."
You and your partner, Warren Buffett, have for years complained and warned about the dangers ve perceived in the modern derivatives markets, particularly credit derivatives, and also concerns about interest rate swaps, currency swaps, and equity swaps.
Some of the books within this very large unit, or at least the traditions within this very large unit, are less influenced by Deuteronomy and its themes and its concerns.