I suppose to a lesser literacy skill of being a good listener or viewer and have information push condensed.
But London's so condensed and confined. I just don't think...
Gas phase single atom. So we don't have to deal with work function or any kind of energies associated with some condensed form of matter.
Not so much as long as the single line But in fact groups of lines. The quote editions are Highly condensed; the folio edition are probably Come closer to the full play.
That piece of it, which is gone when the second half disappears, that piece of it is what he tries to communicate in a very condensed way.
You can see these opening pages of the book, dense argument being condensed in very deep ways, carry a great deal of freight.
Normally this is used for a reaction in the condensed phases and liquid usually.
These molecules of DNA, very long molecules of DNA, are condensed and packaged within the nucleus of every cell in your body.
It is essentially equal to internal energy for condensed systems, but when you look in the books sometimes they will use this term.
For a first pass, let's just say for condensed systems we can go with it.