Did you feel confident that you could get them to give ? you money after you had kind of washed yourself out?
So, none of you in this room, I'm 100% confident, never ever got a smallpox vaccine.
This coda suggests something like a victory over all of those worries of unpreparedness as the worried rhetoric of "not yet there" gives way to a much more confident language of present completion, the "now."
And so, Socrates' friends ask him, how can we be confident that the soul will survive the death of the body and indeed be immortal?
Machiavelli might call them sort of manly men who are fully confident about their abilities.
You had to be very confident because it was going to take a long time, a fantastic amount of labor, a tremendous amount of money to do that.
First of all, I'm very pleased when this happens, because I'm pretty confident that I can do this under duress, but I may not do it right every time.
You're confident you can reply to all of these?
We don't expect everybody to be a course six major, contrary to popular opinion, so for those are you not in that category, the second thing we want to do is we want to help students who don't plan to major in course six to feel justifiably confident in their ability to write and read small pieces of code.
At first there was doubt and controversy, which has completely gone away, as more and more examples of this writing have become available and scholars are now able, by and large, to be confident that they know what these things say.
The question, of course, is what scholars have disagreed about and continue to disagree about, because the evidence simply will not permit any confident answer, but I ought to just mention a few of the theories that have been tossed around, a few among many, many, many.