I think the question purely of religion in conflict with human rights is a new avenue as we talked about changes and the new big dialogue in human rights.
You should be bringing some of the things we talked about when discussing his work, into dialogue with and in conflict with some of the evidence you'll be finding in the text itself.
If you have, if you know you have a conflict with one of those quiz dates now John please see John or I right away.
This raises the question whether it is possible to transform politics to replace enmity and factional conflict with friendship to replace conflict with harmony?
Because, if Iraq spreads if you can't get peace between Israelis and Palestinians, and that conflict continues, conflict in Lebanon, conflict with Syria Then you have the Iraq War turning into complete chaos.
And it's possible that the very idea of a Puritan poet presented Milton with what may have felt like an insoluble conflict.
And, I am curious that how much do you think Israeli-Palestinian conflict has to do with religion, and how much has to do with politics?
To put untrammeled reasons and individual freedom at the center of a civilization is to live with the conflict, the turmoil, the instability, and the uncertainty that these things create.
And there were many people trying to resolve the conflict, not just in the Middle East,else in the world, with very good intentions but very often making inadvertently the matters worse.
But the other source of conflict with ruling opinion is from philosophy.
And it speaks to those who are courageous enough to acknowledge that life is rife with pain and conflict, just as it's filled with compassion and joy.
How are in conflict resolution, the dominant theme of most people with good intentions want to resolve conflict is let's get the people together, let's get them to talk, and they and we will live happily ever after.
The conflict was given the features of religious conflict, just like the crusades were given the name of symbol of Christianity and came to the near East with these values.