The soul has a very intimate connection with the body, but the person is not the soul and the body.
Something is usually said about Kafka in connection with Wise Blood, but I have never succeeded in making my way through The Castle or The Trial, and I wouldn't pretend to know anything about Kafka.
It has no more connection with its author from birth on and roams the world on its own.
Or is it more plausible to suggest, "No. What's happened here is a soul has been released from connection with the body."
And you can contact me if you have some questions in connection with the material.
If I wanted to think about all of you and get--and establish more of a connection with you, I would not describe you as unrelated strangers.
We're going to be thinking about that in connection with Financial Theory, but we have to get into the details; so we are going to be-- we are going to be learning about facts.
So the point I'm suggesting is that many of Socrates' students and associates including Plato himself had some connection with this oligarchical government that had ruled Athens for a brief time.
And then you can look at food disappearance data and that's sort of a connection with the food production data: not so much how much is produced but how much of it is disappearing from the--the food supply.
One answer, and it's the one that is most widely believed among Greek scholars, is that the growth of population that we have mentioned in connection with the rise of the polis is still working once the polis comes into form.
I'd like to share some of the rough products with you, and how we made the connection between the Star Festival Story and the children's own story.
They don't seem to be an ethnic group so much as a marginalized social class, but some have suggested a connection with the word "Hebrew."
Complimented, my eye. She kissed me on my pure brow," and my darling emitted that new yelp of merriment which, perhaps in connection with her theatrical mannerisms, she had lately begun to affect."
I guess this is sort of just one last connection with regard to grades.
So, she has no connection with people John-Claude Van Damme like Adam Sandler and John-Claude Van Damme.
Other scholars deny that there would be any connection with "Hebrew."