And our job is to find out what is the mathematical description of this path, this line in p-V's case that connects these two point.
You can find that Box Computing efficiently connects enormous user request with the application providers.
You need a functional form that connects the value at one state of matter, the freezing point of water to another phase change, the boiling point of water.
This connects I think with a whole host of other passages that have to do with nothingness.
More specifically, dualists like Descartes struggle to explain how a physical body connects to an immaterial soul.
The next lecture will be about real estate and that brings us into the subprime crisis and connects with interests that are central to my own thinking.
OK, you use the ideal gas law, etc., then you get a relationship that connects the pressure and the temperature, like here we got a relationship that connected the temperatures and the volumes together.
This is going to be the connect, what connects the pressures and the temperature.