The orbitals you consider as bins in which you can throw electrons, one per bin.
And so the other thing that we consider is the nucleus as being stationary.
So suppose that we consider a deviation in which, and again I've forgotten your name in which Stacy stands as well.
Let's consider a business as sort of a person who is owned, like a slave, who is owned by other people.
We asked students as we will this year to describe themselves based on gut instinct early on, do you consider yourselves among those less comfortable with computers or just the mere idea of being in this class?
So specifically, what we're asking here is as we go across the periodic table, we want to consider which has the smaller ionization energy.
He states the problem of living in the South as a problem of feeling, that he needed to claim and consider his own feelings.
And then also you consider, in some ways, free people who may exist as clients.
Consider that even this early on in his career, Milton is harboring epic ambitions, as we've seen.
So we consider a text as a structured entity, or perhaps as an entity which is structured and yet at the same time that's the case with Roland Barthes.
They don't ask you to just be humble and throw yourself on the ground and consider yourself as nothing compared to the god,or the gods.
But the reason is ultimately, Mill claims, a utilitarian reason once you consider the long-run interests of humankind, of all of us as progressive beings.
That's the question I want us to consider again for next week as we finish the Apology ?! and move our way up to the Crito. Okay?
And some consider the White House Chief of Staff as co-president, although I think Joshua disagrees with that, or the president's gatekeeper, that is, I think he agrees.
Just consider this as a sense of the scale of pro-slavery writing.
Well, i mean a cockroach might be seen as being harmful because we consider them dirty, disgusting, revolting insects and we don't define insects as something we eat, at least in our culture.