Whatever you're reading, it's always worth thinking about and considering what the motives might be for such extraordinary literary risk taking.
and she's now playing some pretty fairly difficult things considering that she has only taken for a couple of years. So,
Let's go back to considering the wavelengths of different objects. We considered a baseball, but let's also think about now an electron.
We went again to see what was happening in these regions when people considering the products and these prices.
And really constantly considering the story and what new twists and elements we need to add to the story are a pretty big deal for us as well.
Semiotics evolves into what is called "structuralism," which we'll be considering next week.
We're considering item 1 and we're trying to ask whether we can put it in.
I think it's reasonable for people who are considering the study of a particular subject in a college course to ask why they should.
Let me start by reviewing the problem that we were considering last week.
We do this in the undergraduate Biomedical Engineering laboratory in the Malone Building so that we can do demonstrations and sort of hands on projects to really get a little bit deeper into the subject that we're considering.
I think I would derive more pleasure from being able to branch out in my own mind sort of considering more deep pleasures, more deep thoughts.
At least since the eighteenth century, these lines have been singled out for their beauty and, considering that Milton is describing the hideous demons under Satan's control, the pastoral elegance of this little simile really catches us off guard.
So I want to go back again, now we're considering the line on the board as being flavor in beer, or location in a town, and I want to go back to politics now and go back to the interpretation we started with, so that left and right will end up being left-wing politics versus right-wing politics.
So I would, if I had a friend who is considering doing that to make themselves thinner,
All of our texts that we will read--the Republic the Politics the Prince the Social Contract have different views on the qualities of statecraft and what are those qualities necessary to found and maintain states that we will be considering.
a lot of students who're considering Stanford are also considering East Coast schools.