So you see in the hybrid orbital we actually have a larger lobe on top where they constructively interfered.
And it turns out that when you constructively have two p orbitals interfere, and when I say constructively, I mean they're both either positive or they're both the negative lobes, that's when you got bonding.
Engineers find it congenial because they have a way of thinking constructively about the world that is kind of parallel to finance.
Religious pluralisms ask the question: how can we live positively and constructively together?
The reason that there is increased electron density here is you can see that these two orbitals come together and constructively interfere.
So we can actually constructively and destructively combine these waves, these atomic orbitals to make a hybrid.
The reason that we can talk about this is remember that we're talking about wave functions, we're talking about waves, so we can have constructive interference in which two different orbitals can constructively interfere, we can also have destructive interference.
But first, I just want to remind you when we're talking about molecular orbital theory, this is treating electrons as waves, so what we're actually able to do is either constructively or destructively combine atomic orbitals to form molecular orbitals.
And what we end up forming is a molecular orbital, because as we bring these two atomic orbitals close together, the part between them, that wave function, constructively interferes such that in our molecular orbital, we actually have a lot of wave function in between the two nuclei.
So you should remember that any time we combine 2 s orbitals, what we're going to find is if we constructively interfere those two orbitals, we're going to form a bonding orbital.
You can see if we combine the s with the top lobe of the p, they're going to constructively interfere because they have the same sign.
We should be approaching young people, encouraging them to engage, cross our religious boundaries and engage constructively with the same sort of sense of purpose that al-Qaeda recruits young people with a destructive divisive ideology.