And frankly it would be incredibly time-consuming and tedious for me, to count this room full of people old school style-- 1, 2, 3 and so forth.
But it's really difficult and really time-consuming.
We'll talk specifically about how many calories people are consuming in liquid form which has gone way, way up.
And that's, you know, very time-consuming.
Usually when people drink milk they're not thinking that they're consuming sugar but they are.
That the average--- the people were reporting consuming eleven, 1200 calories or something, but when their food intake was actually measured it was over 2 000 calories.
But what this study found was people were asked to estimate how much food they were consuming and how many calories they were burning through physical activity.
And then the investigators actually measured these things, and found that with reported and actual energy intake, how many calories people were consuming, there was really quite a difference.
As a consequence, they're underestimating the number of calories they're consuming.
So you could have--be consuming fat that is in itself good for heart health let's say, or maybe protective against cancer in some ways, but it's also adding calories to the diet, so you want to have the optimal amount of fat and not over-consume it because of the calories.