Being happy, in other words, is also a moral state in the sense of actually contributing to other people's wellbeing.
Obviously, for decades to come, you'll be contributing to the world of the academy.
Now by the same token, James Joyce other Modernists like James Joyce are also contributing to this idea of the independent unity of the work of art.
You need insurance on both parents because both parents are contributing to the success of the children.
Whoever was writing the poems of Homer, whichever poets were contributing to that over the ages after the Mycenaean Period, they hadn't seen those Mycenaean sites.
There's a lot of research to show that helping ourselves, in other words, working on our happiness, contributing to our wellbeing, leads us to also be more generous and benevolent toward others.
They are relatively competent, they speak English and if the diagnosis can be made on line they'll do it, and all of these services are now been provided and so service sector has become a fast growth in India contributing to higher growth rates.
In the partnership game you were contributing effort to a joint project.
If you are happy, and work on your happiness, you are contributing indirectly to other people's happiness, just like the baby who laughed last time-- made you laugh.
You give shares to someone who is contributing to the enterprise.
She's done fantastic work, showing how people who help-- whether it's helping five extra acts during the week-- it can be more; doesn't have to be restricted to five-- or people who help five extra acts during one day, it's actually contributing to their wellbeing.
Now, I don't know how far back it goes but it must be that in ancient times some people would say, all right you're going to be doing more work or you're contributing more to this enterprise, we'll give you a bigger share of the profits.