And as you might expect, I'm going to then try and see if I can convert that into a float.
Sometimes subtle changes in the structure of a protein can convert it from an active state into an inactive state.
So, somehow we have to figure out a way to take orbitals that are non-symmetric, and convert them into orbitals that are symmetric.
And what it's used is to convert one type of group, what's called a carboxylic acid into another type of very reactive intermediate, which is called an acid chloride.
And by the exercise of entire sovereignty in protecting the public teaching of it, convert this truth of speculation " into the utility of practice."
So you know, what the second law is doing, in other words, it's putting these restrictions on how well or how effectively we can convert heat into work in the case of the engine, or work into heat extracted in the case of a refrigerator.
Well I need to take that number and I'm going to turn it into a string. So notice what I'm going to do right here. I take that number and convert it into a string. That's an example of that type conversion we did earlier on. By doing that it makes it possible for me to treat it as an ordered sequence of characters.
If your dealer quotes you a discount rate of 2.51%, you know how to convert that into the price and that's all that matters--all that really matters is the price you have to pay.
So you have to somehow convert the source code, the C code into 0s and 1s and for that process there exist this tool called a compiler that someone else wrote that takes this stuff as input and produces this stuff as output.
The first thing I am going to do is I am going to convert the sodium into vapor.
And now I have to convert atomic chlorine into ionic chlorine.
That's what fat cells do, they convert glucose into a form for storage.
That means starting at the first one, I'm going to do something to it. And what am I'm going to do? I'm going to take that character, convert it back into an integer, and add it into some digits. And I've done a little short hand here, which is I should have said some digits is equal to some digits plus this.
So, for example, in an electrochemical cell, it would be possible to take the sodium ion, give back its electron, and convert it into a metallic sodium, take the chloride ion, remove its electron, and restore chlorine gas.
The cells that take an electrical signal, which is coming down your nerve and convert it into a muscle contraction work this way, so 'neuro' nerve, muscle junctions act based on ligand-gated ion channels.
And the engineering part of that is sort of the part that I talked about in one slide, when I talked about how do you convert this scientific advance into something that can be delivered all over the world.
First of all, two parameters. It's OK. All it says is, when I call this, I need to pass in two parameters for this to work. All right? Now, if I want to use that, I'm going to use a second piece of code here, called Barnyard. I'm going Barnyard to read in a couple of values, convert them into integers, and then I'm going to use solve to get a solution out.