Maybe there is no music, so it's just kind of dancing in the middle of a cookie sheet all by himself.
For instance the cookie, the gingerbread man, the gingerbread woman or whichever one of the cookies you want to introduce first and focus just on getting that cookie to dance.
OK, the reason I'm saying this is, we have one class definition, is a cookie cutter, it's a template that's going to let us build versions of these things.
They start producing little, miniature sentences like "Want cookie" Or "Milk spill" and the function morphemes, the little words, "In," "Of," "A," "The," and so on start to gradually appear.
It is both that which organizes a structure and that which isn't really qualified to organize anything, because it's not in the structure; it's outside the structure, something that imposes itself from without like a cookie cutter on the structure, right?
And then after a few minutes or maybe an hour, you hopefully have at least one dancing cookie.
But if you set out trying to implement this whole story line at once, if you set out trying to implement a cookie love story, it's just not gonna fly.
The first thing you probably want to accomplish or at least one thing that seems easy is find the graphic of the cookie sheet that you happen to want for this project.
Certainly in the cookie love story was there a looping going on.
So this part is the cookie cutter stuff.
> This is CS50, Week 1, thought we'd begin with a cookie love story.