So the way they cope with it-- they think the appropriate response is put it aside, disregard the facts about death.
In other words, to understand and cope with the problems that we all face, we all need to know and to grapple with the Western experience.
The issue of psychopathy, of people who, either due to brain damage or because they are born that way, have no moral understanding, can help us cope with questions of free will and responsibility; of the relationship or difference between mental illness and evil.
To cope with it, they urged human beings to restrain their overarching ambitions.
What you want isn't always what you get and this leads to a set of reactions to cope with the fact that pleasure isn't always there when you want it either by planning how to satisfy your desires or planning how to suppress them.
Again, not themselves out there with the goats and the sheep, but they are referred to as having these herds and having to cope with them. Another very popular, I would say the most popular activity among the kings, was piracy. That's what they brag about.