We recognize in ourselves a virtue which is considered to be the cornerstone of many systems of moral understanding.
That will lead us into the capital asset pricing model, which is the cornerstone of a lot of thinking in finance.
At the end of the day that's where Alexander H. Stephens went, with his Cornerstone Speech in 1861.
Remember back to Alexander H. Steven's cornerstone quote he uses the word "Natural" Twice in that passage.
It was the cornerstone on which they had founded their revolution.
But how do we get to 1861 and that secession crisis with Alexander H. Stephens delivering this Cornerstone Speech, declaring that, "Hey folks, it's all about slavery and its preservation?"
Alexander H. Stephens, a Georgian, a slaveholder, said the cornerstone of the Confederacy, the cornerstone of their political movement, was what he called "American Negro slavery."
亚历山大· H·斯蒂芬斯,一个来自乔治亚州的奴隶主,用他的演讲为邦联打下了基石,这块邦联政治运动的基石,被他称为,"美国的黑人奴隶制度"
Last time I began with Alexander H. Stephens's famous Cornerstone Speech in 1861, the famous passage by the Vice-President of the Confederacy declaring slavery the cornerstone of the Confederate Movement.