In that case point p 1 doesn't correspond to this point, it actually corresponds to the point of radius 2 and angle 1, which is about here.
If I could find the unique set of proteins that correspond to those genes I could define chemically what the cell is.
And, of course, each of those electrons correspond to an electron coming out of a particular orbital.
How does this compulsion to return to the traumatic event in any way correspond to or submit itself to explanation in terms of the pleasure principle?"
the difference between seeing words, hearing words, reading words and generating words can correspond to different aspects of what part of your brain is active.
It tells me the other way around to look at how prices correspond to quantities, it tells me the quantity demanded at any given price.
Yet, we should also avoid the second, equally powerful temptation, which is to reject Aristotle out of hand, because his views do not correspond with our own.
If these 8 million people , would correspond to the number of neurons in the brain, the equivalent of the hair cells that you could get out of a single cochlea would be equivalent to one person walking down 42nd street.
They're cute because there are certain cues that correspond to the way our brains work.
And what we predict as an energy difference between two levels, we know should correspond to the energy of light that's either emitted, if we're giving off a photon, or that's absorbed if we're going to take on a photon and jump from a lower to a higher energy level.
Also, you'll notice that the size of the body part represented in the brain does not correspond to the size of the body part in the real world.
What emotion does that correspond to? Anger.
So that's a problem and let's put in the payoffs, and we'll put in the payoffs that roughly I think would correspond so my preferences and we'll talk about it what these preferences mean in a second.
I'm going to put down two different definitions of best response, one of which corresponds to best response to somebody else playing a particular strategy like left and right, and the other is just going to correspond to the more general idea of a best response to a belief.
And there's been some efforts cross-culturally, to go back to the question this young man asked before looking at cross-cultural differences in toilet training and weaning, which are really big differences, to see if they correspond in any interesting way to personality differences.
Somebody who hold a--held a dualist view that said that what we do and what we decide and what we think and what we want are all have nothing to do with the physical world, would be embarrassed by the fact that the brain seems to correspond in intricate and elaborate ways to our mental life.