How much profits will I make if I price at marginal cost as well?
Firm 1 is pricing at marginal cost, the best response if the other guy is pricing at marginal cost is to price at marginal cost or above.
Let's just make sure we understand this, if the other guy is selling below cost, the only way I can make any sales is to price below his price.
You want it, your price, to be at or above cost.
You set price below his but above or equal to cost.
I could price at marginal cost as well.
To price at marginal cost as well.
I won't bother to write it separately for Firm 2, it's going to be the quantity it sells times the price it gets for that quantity, minus that quantity it sells times the cost it incurs in producing that quantity.
If I consume Bud Light, then I have to pay for the Bud Light, I think it typically costs less, the price, the raw price is less than Guinness but I also pay an additional cost from the fact that Bud Light, when I drink it, causes me "disutility": we'll put it politely like that.
So again, for Firm 1 it's the quantity it sells times the price, This is its revenue, minus the quantity it sells times C, the cost, this is his cost.
If Firm II is charging C, Then a best response for Firm 1 is to set price equal to marginal costs, and if Firm 1 is pricing at marginal cost, then conversely a best response for Firm 2 is to price at marginal cost.