It's entirely imaginable that Milton could have been executed for his writings on behalf of the killing of King Charles.
But this very critique leveled against Levi-Strauss, he could have found in Levi-Strauss and does find it on other occasions.
What difference would it make had Frost, as he could have, I suppose, reversed the order of lines 13 and 14?
Now formally I could have had this pointing off to another object containing 4, but that just seemed excessive, right?
So I could have written right here immediately CvdT equals Cv dT, and that was the end of my derivation.
Did you just Copy and Paste 50 times when you could have just used a loop that cycles 50 times?
As it was, He picked the best, the smartest, the most loving, the least sentimental, the most unimitative master He could have possibly picked.
Because I thought the payoffs - the two different payoffs that I could have gotten-- were highest if I chose Alpha.
But even as black Baptist, I could have gone certain black Baptist and run out, because I must struggle against homophobia, and my profound love for gay brothers and lesbian sisters.
And, in fact, instead of having just an electrode here, what I could do is I could have an electrode that is.
CFO He could have been CFO at lots of other companies, but he stayed with the company, and the company stayed with him.
And so, if this was a disease that entered your community, you could have expected several centuries ago.
It could have been just as reasonable to expect that there'd be an advantage for speech over sign.
And the bond order you get out will either be, for example, zero, which would mean that you have no bond, 5 or you could have 1, a single bond, 1 . 5, a 1 and 1/2 bond, 2, a double bond, and so on.
As we could have same personality without literally same brain, if personality is the key to personal identity, that would still be me.
CD If you put on a CD, we could have-- what's the timing on the Justin Timberlake thing there or any one of the tracks?