But that's the sort of the thing we do and it's coupon clipping and it's risk mitigation or risk elimination--fairly short.
I mean, hypothetically a bond trading at $.60 on the dollar with an 8% coupon, five-year bond that's yielding about 18%.
When the date came, you would cut the coupon off and go to the bank and get your interest payment.
So, for companies that could pay you back, but their bonds are trading below par, probably because they have a low coupon.
So, if a bond was issued when interest rates were lower, they might have a 4% coupon when the prevailing rate is 6%.
You're given coupon payments every six months and then, when the bond matures,you get your money back.
we'll recover something and, in the meantime, we get this 8% coupon that we get to clip.
The coupon is expressed as an annual amount; you get half of it every six months.
We're talking about discount bonds, and then coupon-carrying bonds, and then talk about the term structure of interest rates and why we have interest rates.
What is the present value of that? Well, the first-- each payment we'll call a coupon-- so it pays one pound one year from now.
it's clipping coupons and he describes his job as figuring out what the coupon is in an equity and if it's high enough he likes it.
There are successful coupon clippers and there are successful securities resellers and they tend to make their money off of the unsuccessful people in the other class.
How do you collect--How do you ever collect a coupon?
That's coupon clipping and risk mitigation.
They carry what's called a coupon.
he says, all investing is about coupon clipping and the difference between equities and bonds are that bonds come with a coupon that's known and equities have earnings in the future that you don't know.
So, that was called coupon clipping.
Now, you have to understand that when you buy a bond, if you buy it at issue, you get the first coupon in six months, the second coupon in one year, the third coupon in eighteen months, and the last coupon you get at the maturity date.
Now, another Wall Street tradition is that bonds pay a coupon; they pay C/2 every six months.