If we think about content, the investment courses are picked up on a semester-long course taught by Professor Andrew Low to second NBA students.
I've been here in MIT for thirty years, and in the early nineties I taught the large freshmen physics course, and electromagnetism.
This all, of course, leads to a change in what European historians taught us to call mentalities, mentalite.
This is a course, a version of which I've taught almost every year for the last twenty years and it evolves a little bit every year.
Last year it was taught by Rafael Romeu, because John, Geanakoplos who usually teaches the course, was on leave and so we had to find someone else.
At other schools I've taught at there's been information along the lines of well the typical grade in an introductory course in the humanities is such and such.
I should note that last time I taught the course I used the Marcus Reader, and when Professor Marvin Chun taught his course last semester he used Peter Gray's 5th edition textbook.
Particularly the course I taught in the early nineties have 600 students there.
In 1852, around that time, this might have been the first course that was offered in engineering in the country: it was taught at Yale in civil engineering in 1852 even Yale students don't know this; what a long, distinguished history of engineering that their own institution has.
It used to be believed, and it's the sort of thing I would-- when I taught this course many years ago I would lecture on-- that neurons do not grow back once you lose them.
In one study by James Cutting, Cutting taught an Introduction to Psychology course and before each lecture he'd flash pictures on the screen.