So, for example, if we're to hold the time constant, this makes it a lot simpler of an equation, because what we can end up doing is actually crossing out this whole term here.
Look at line fifty. This is where Milton asks the ocean nymphs where they were when Edward King's boat was lost ? while crossing the Irish Sea: why didn't you do anything?
So this is like crossing off the person in position number 2 here.
The hymn doesn't anywhere refer to people crossing over on dry land.
We have to pair that with that other evocation of the landscape to see this alternate idea, that actually this distanced criss-crossing of the landscape could be damaging. Think of those other violent knight's moves, like skipping past the mother's death.
Following a transformation the study of which is not the concern of the social sciences but rather of biology and psychology, a crossing over came about from a stage where nothing had a meaning to another where everything possessed it.
She was a woman and she met men crossing the bridge.
You're crossing the street,talking to your friend,engaged in lively discussion.
when Hannibal is thinking of crossing the Alps.
In chapter 3 we have the account of crossing the Jordan River.
Milton's performing a similar boundary-crossing aesthetic gesture here.
After crossing, the Israelites then celebrate the Passover, and that makes a strong link then to the Exodus led by Moses, also at the time of the first Passover. Moses had a vision of God at the burning bush. He was told to remove his shoes, his sandals, because he was on holy ground.
if I think it's more likely than this crossing point Y I think it's very likely they're going to choose Right.
So that crossing point actually occurs at a - c over 3b.