We then promised to move to an emphasis on psychological matters, and finally social and cultural determinants of literature.
I mean it is still like a real big cultural mecca for African American people in New York City.
It's also about merging social and cultural and interpersonal horizons and it applies to all of those spheres.
You have merchants and traders who are handling the commerce on the trade routes and enjoying broader cultural contacts.
I don't think I have a clearly defined position which makes me different from some parties to the dispute, whether it's political or cultural or religious.
You have therefore one world, - and in fact this whole dream of Alexander-- and it was a very self-conscious, propaganda campaign and a cultural campaign on Alexander's part.
And I think that those are the sort of contrasts that you would expect to find in cross-cultural differences.
Does it represent Yeats's own early cultural nationalism and the work represented in The Wind Among the Reeds and other early poems?
He says: It had only been through books, at best no more than vicarious cultural transfusions, that I had managed to keep myself alive in a negatively vital way.
And yet he said we are focusing too much on cultural differences and he added not because there are no cultural differences.
Of course, with cities we typically find a whole association of cultural characteristics, which we deem civilization.
So some of this seems to be, you're suggesting, a kind of a cultural convention and pressure.
That's a cultural thing, I would say; it's that companies now are wanting to keep the money.
and I think that's one of, I guess, the biggest cultural clashes, especially with Americans going abroad,
And all of the diversity of ethnicity and just cultural perspective. That's something I really enjoy.
Milton's infusing this passage with a powerful sense of -- I don't know, what can we call it? -- of gender nonconformity and cultural relativity.