Some time around this period of time,in early Christianity, somebody got the big idea, "Hey,let's cut up the scroll into pages, and sew the pages together. And then,put it all in a book.
I cut it in half, I'll use some protractors and dividers and compasses, you can split the meter into any fraction you like.
I could cut that up into fragments, and I could search in these fragments to try to find the one that has the insulin gene on it.
you can see that the subcortical here, so this is a brain that was cut away here, here, and here was a chunk taking out, you can see deep into this area you can also see that's what happening in the cortex.
Take a plasmid, cut it open, insert a gene that we want into the plasmid, and then put that plasmid in a host cell, and let the host replicate it.
If you have DNA fragments, so this is DNA that you've cut up into fragments using restriction enzymes for example.