OK. You can see that thing is cutting down the problem in half each time, which is good, but there's one more thing I need to deal with.
Because I'm cutting down the problem in half at each time. You're right, but there's something we have to do to add to that, and that's the last thing I want to pick up on.
If everyone else is cutting down I don't have too, and if everyone else does cut down I don't have to, I end up using hot water and driving a big car and so on.
And nobody knows, nobody believes that we can cut spending, right? -Somebody down the road has to pay the bills Somebody down the road has to pay the bills, either by cutting spending, cutting benefits or raising taxes.
At each stage, no matter which branch, here or here, I take, I'm cutting down the length of the list that I'm searching in half. All right?
In fact, it took the same number of steps as it did in the other case, because each time I'm cutting it down by a half.
And you can see it wrapping its way down, cutting in half at each time until it gets there, but it takes a while to find. All right.
And I keep cutting the problem down.
With this, if I can assume that accessing the i'th element of a list is constant, then you can't see that the rest of that analysis looks just like the log analysis I did before, and each step, no matter which branch I'm taking, I'm cutting the problem down in half.