First we have the "Pilot of some small night-founder'd Skiff," and the pilot stands ab extra, from outside, in the simile.
or that you see the applications of, in day-to-day life and I'd say that's probably... had the biggest effect on me.
Now I'd like to end -I think I have a few minutes here--I'd like to end with a particular piece.
Lycidas' death -- remember this is the poem that Milton didn't want to write, he was "forc'd" to write it -Lycidas' death allows the uncouth swain to grow up and to move on.
Nevertheless, there are many data that suggest that the Priestly sources retain very early strata, just as D contains pre-exilic or early material.
I quote in here a guy who croaks before this course starts, Jean Bodin, B-O-D-I-N.
Now, assuming that we trust the government-- I think the U.S. Government has never defaulted on its debt-- we'd take that as a riskless return.
So I could be 10 km from home, I could be 0 km from home, or I could be -10, if I'd gone two steps to the left.
我有可能距营地10公里,也可能是0公里,也可能是 -10,如果我两次都是向左的话
So what I'd urge you to do is to find-- get the clicker as soon as you can and we'll start using it fairly soon in the class.
And then he'd been--he was Jewish, and he was fired from his post in Strasbourg, under Vichy, that is the collaboration government of World War Two, because he was Jewish.
And--or people would talk to him and he'd just stare at them and say--and people would say-- would be intimidated by his bold and impetuous stare when actually he just totally didn't know anything.
Now, I've talked to you essentially about the economic aspect of this phenomenon and I'd like to turn next-- give me a second here I just want to find out where I am in this.
It would generate an electrical signal because it would - you'd open the ion channel and you would ion fluxes and you would change the membrane potential in just the way I described for the action potential.
If only you'd known you had another 50 years, that you weren't going to die young-- or James Dean, going to burn out fast and die young-- if only you'd realized you were going to live to the ripe old age of 97, you would have picked a different life for yourself.
So-- if you don't feel comfortable doing it, don't do it-- what I'd like to do now is as following: Take your thumb and your middle finger and create as much as possible a 90 degree angle.
That's it. Again, these other p dxy dyz - or the d x y, d y z, those are going to be those more complicated linear combinations, you don't need to worry about them.