But it was still interesting to watch and to see unfold So, now I had this picture of real-live data of a real-life city operating in front of me.
It used to be a big, broad sheet and they made it smaller in 2005 and they started--they keep cutting out data.
We did a study using the Framingham data ourselves several --some years ago where we were interested in the issue of weight cycling.
Well, unlike the choosiness studies, here we actually have some pretty good cross-cultural data So one study, for instance, was done in 10,000 people from thirty-seven countries, ?" asking people, "Who do you want to be with?"
Well basically what we're doing is we're giving ourselves the ability to create data types the same way that we have some built-ins, so we have things like int, float, string, these are built-in data types.
This is--I'm showing here U.S. data, but Siegel also argues in the latest edition that the equity premium is also high for advanced countries over the whole world.
If you look at the Frank Russell data and I just cited ten-year returns ending June 30,2005, so that period started in 1996 -well,in 1996 there were 307 managers that reported returns.
I don't find that my analysis is profound in the final answer, I just took some estimates using my data and, again, we could-- if someone wanted to argue with us they could argue with my estimates of the expected returns of the standard deviations and the covariances, but not with this theory.