- If someone-- you're-- one of you're predecessor didn't already submit it, do follow the directions at top left which says, add calendar so that we can augment the data set even further.
they won't say, "Oh, because of this experiment, that experiment, " this data set and that data set."
If I want to take the average energy of all of those, what I can do is go over to my data set.
At the end of the day this is all about equipping you with skills and knowledge and understanding with which to take a problem, take a large data set maybe and actually produce something useful-- produce a project that is of interest to you.
Well, we play with it, the way I've been playing with it and compare the results to some set of real data.
I'm going to give you the data set of the scattering angles of the atoms.
Here's a data set. There is oxygen.
The data set was getting unwieldy.
And if you think about it, associated with each - one of those data types is a set of functions it's intended to apply to.
So, that's Rutherford's explanation of this set of data.
And so if you know what patterns of zeroes and ones to look for as you will yourselves this year in that forensics problem set, can you recover a lot of that data?
Sometimes the functions -- sometimes a function can be used on multiple data types, plus, for example, we saw could add strings, or could add ints, but each one of those data types has associated with it a set of functions that are geared to handling them.