There is also a belief in the divine election of David as the king of Israel and his dynasty.
My favorite professor is David Wallace. I just came out of his class right now.
So David, the theme of David as the elected king of God, David also as the ideal king, is something else that is a theme of these books.
this is David Nason and Henry Paulson, although it's not signed by them, it's signed by The Treasury.
0 >> David: Yeah, so I very deliberately changed this 9 to a 9.0 so that my math would actually be floating point math involving real numbers and not just integers.
David Smith So,of course,we can all agree David Smith, despite thinking he's Napoleon,is not Napoleon.
And when I got rid of this excess stone, there was David.
Bourne Ultimatum; and David where do you choose to go?
He refers to the story of David and Uriah.
David. How do you pronunce it? Daniel.
There is a researcher at The Harvard Medical School named David Ludwig who's done a terrific series of studies on the glycemic index and found how it relates to food intake, body weight regulation, and health.
Playwrights that I really love are like, Arthur Miller and David Mamet.
Professor Kohli is a David K.E. professor of international affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of public and international affairs at Princeton University.
Even though some defenders of that particular movement claim it didn't happen, like David Brooks tried to claim in The New York Times.
I mean, I like David Cameron. He's effectively my boss.
And it is not until King David, 200 years later that, in fact, we will read about the capture of Jerusalem. Judges 1 gives a long list of the places from which the Canaanites were not expelled.