We all know about "Liebestod" in "Tristan and Isolde," the moments of death in literature which obviously are sexually charged.
Interestingly, towards his death, I had the chance to meet him, And I asked him... He knew he was dying.
It is association with death and sexuality that renders one impure and disqualifies one from entering the holy sanctuary.
Con Markievicz was the only surviving leader of the Easter Rising, condemned to death, but then her sentence was transmuted.
Milton, who had died in 1674, had established himself as a great English poet within twenty or so years of his death.
And the relay had closed on the poor creature, crushing it to death. The defense department didn't care about the loss of a moth.
And eventually,we'll turn to some other value questions about if death really is the end, should we be afraid of death?
Of course death can be the final consequence of this, but even short of death, a number of very bad things can happen.
It simply means that one cannot enter the holy sanctuary, God's realm, when impure through contact with death or sexuality.
To enter the realm of the holy, in which there is neither death nor procreation, requires a separation from death and procreation.
And the question is how does poverty fit into that question of life issues, with the prolife, with the death penalty.
It reminds the worker that it has the power of death, the force that the worker only accesses through the tool.
The attempt failed and, saddened by Eurydice's death, Orpheus spent the rest of his life avoiding the company of women.
And the woman responds to the serpent's queries by saying that eating and even touching the tree is forbidden on pain of death.
They may be beaten eventually to death by a man in their home or subject to what we consider torturous behavior or imprisonment.
Here, in the first part of the poem, Yeats talks about death and remorse as the end of all debate, the last word.