The death of Edward King is really forcing him to question the point of his pursuit of greatness, of poetic fame, and all of his ambition.
That's why it's natural to point to the moment of star when we say that's when my death occurs.
But the point is there's a connection between this condition, this skin condition, and its decomposition and death.
Death is basically just the breaking down of the body, on the physicalist point of view, so that it no longer functions properly.
And notice again, just to emphasize the point, the relevant lack of belief here has to do with the death of the body.
There's nothing especially mysterious about death, although there may be a lot of details to work out from a scientific point of view.
It also seems to reflect the interests of the south. Remember, we talked about the fact briefly that at a certain point in Israel's history there is a division upon the death of Solomon in the late tenth century.
But there's nothing mysterious about death from the physicalist point of view, at least about the basic idea of what's going on in death.
How should one live, in light of the facts about death ? that I've been laying out in the semester up to this point?
And the obvious worry that gets raised in the dialogue at this point is this: How do we know that when the death of the body occurs the soul doesn't get destroyed as well?
And so, the philosopher, who has sort of trained himself to separate his mind from his body, to disregard his bodily cravings and desires-- the philosopher will welcome death because at that point he'll truly, finally, make the final break from the body.
You've read at this point, long since, Tolstoy's Death of Ivan Ilych.