That didn't work. Well they couldn't figure out what was wrong. And they spent a long time trying to debug the program.
And a large part of being a good programmer, or learning to be a good programmer, is learning how to debug. And it's one of these things where it's harder.
But for the next week or two when you're writing programs, at least for the first time, generally if you're trying Scratch to debug them like you might have been trying to troubleshoot Scratch, you're probably going to reason - through it by looking through the your code -- -- top to bottom, maybe engage a staff member for help -- but your friend will also be printf.
And that's because it's easier to test small things than big things. And it's easier to debug small things than big things.
And I'm hoping that today's lecture will help you learn faster. The nice thing, is once you learn to debug programs, you will discover it's a transferable skill.
an interpreted language is often easier to debug, because you can still see your raw code there, but it's not always as fast.
So if your word game doesn't work when the words are 12 letters long, instead of continuing to debug 12 letter hands see if you can make it fail on a three letter hand.
it's not as good as helping debug, sorry, that's the wrong way of saying it's not as good at catching some things before you run them, it is easier at some times in debugging as you go along on the fly.
And you can use it to debug other complex systems. So for example, a laboratory experience.
Give you some examples. What have we talked about? We've talked about things like using comments to highlight what you're doing in the code, to make it easier to debug.
OK. All right, let me show you one other tool that I want to use. Which is, I've written that piece of code, I ought to check it. Well, I could just run it, but another useful thing to do is, I'm, especially as I want to debug these things, is to simulate that code.
About how to debug programs where random choices are being made.