They usually talk about it as the "lost decade," where Japanese banks were not liquidated but they were not really in business.
By the 1820s, already, within a decade of the War of 1812 and the opening of the frontier, cotton's future seemed limitless.
And this time it did not subside, it never fall below double digits for the entire remainder of the decade of the 30s.
By the end of this decade, by the end of the 1650s, Milton could see, as could others, fairly clearly that what we can think of as the imminent collapse of the republican government.
This is maybe not widely appreciated, but every decade that goes by we do a better job of incentvizing people and preventing them from being discouraged by risks.
I think that in the next decade we will probably know how these cells actually work and the ear catches up to vision smell and taste in that regard.
The government has liberized the economy and that has of course been playing a role but the growth acceleration started almost a decade before that, so the factors are a little more complex.
If Barth only gestures towards that world, the politics of that decade, Pynchon actually lets us see it.
I want to quote Martin Seligman, who talks about precisely this idea: "In the last decade psychologists have become concerned with prevention.
His first treatise, a book called De Cive, or De Cive, depending on how you pronounce it, On the Citizen, was published in 1642, and it was a kind of draft version of Leviathan that was published almost a decade later, again in 1651.
It's in this decade, in fact, that we have the first newspapers.
And yet the unemployment never came down below double digits for the entire decade.
Now think of another product in American history that doubled every decade for four decades, and then imagine that that product became the country's, without question, absolute largest export.
The cotton crop nearly doubled every decade from 1820 to 1860.
That's in the one decade of the teens.
But Russia itself has no worse loss for the United States right now could find ways to keep us so tight down in the Middle East for a decade that we could do nothing else.